Frequency Therapy

Energy medicine for holistic health

Find out what your body is burdened with in terms of parasites, moulds, bacteria, viruses, fungi, heavy metals and allergies. Here you get an energy analysis of your entire body and all systems and treatment. Frequencies treat imbalances effectively through resonance (amplification) or interference (cancellation).


Bioresonance therapy, also known as frequency therapy, enhances the frequency patterns of cells, organs, and body systems while neutralizing frequency patterns in viruses, bacteria, toxins, allergies, and more.

By doing so, one can restore balance to promote the body's natural self-healing ability. The result is more energy and increased well-being.

Power within concept uses the latest Oberon System Quantum & AWL1 Quantum Generator bioresonance equipment from Energy Life.

Frekvensterapi, bioresonans

What is bioresonance?

Everything that exists in the universe is made up of energy and vibrations. Bioresonance deals with the subtle energy of living and non-living things. The law of resonance is used in this method to strengthen or weaken subtle energy using bioresonance equipment.

Bioresonance technology is beneficial for health and well-being, not only for humans and animals but also the environment and places can be harmonised and balanced, such as farmland and homes.


Frequency therapy has been successfully used as an alternative medicine since the 1970s in the treatment of various conditions by thousands of therapists and clinicians worldwide. This type of therapy was introduced by physicist Franz Morell and electronics engineer Erich Rasche as a result of medical tests in electro-acupuncture.

Oberon's roots go back to the 1960s, when visionary researchers at the Russian Academy of Sciences, led by Professor Neccherovadiscovered the unique vibrational frequencies of healthy human cells. discovered the unique vibrational frequencies of healthy human cells. These dedicated scientists developed a comprehensive database of various diseases and their frequency patterns, revolutionising our understanding of health and well-being. 


Several clinical, physical and organic studies have been conducted by global research teams that demonstrate the effectiveness of the bioresonance method especially in situations such as allergies, rheumatic diseases, respiratory diseases and several painful syndromes.

Want to know more about frequency therapy?

Contact us, and we'll tell you more

How can I benefit from frequency therapy? Which package suits me best? How does it work?

Book a free call with our frequency therapy expert Mikael or send an interest email to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Science - How does frequency therapy work?

The law of resonance

To understand the universal law of resonance, we must first understand that everything that exists in the universe vibrates at a specific frequency.

When two independent wavelengths, vibrations or frequency patterns come close to each other, they will interact in a minor or major way. This results in the creation of an entirely new frequency pattern, whose overall vibration is determined by how the frequency patterns of the two previous frequency patterns integrate with each other.

Frekvensterapi, bioresonans
Frekvensterapi, bioresonans


Bioresonance works by specifically affecting frequencies, either through resonance (amplification) or interference (disturbance or cancellation of the wavelength).

When two similar frequency patterns coincide in parallel (as in the first image), the result is an amplified frequency pattern, i.e. a higher amplitude due to resonance (amplification).

If two equal frequency patterns coincide opposite each other (as in the second image), the result is a weakened frequency pattern, i.e. with lower amplitude due to interference (cancellation or distortion of the wavelength). For example, noise cancellation technology used in new headphones works based on interference.

Cells of the body

Our body consists of about one trillion cells. An organ contains several cells with different important functions and each cell is surrounded by a cell membrane.

A healthy cell has a certain frequency and a sick cell has a different frequency. A healthy cell has a resting membrane potential (electrical voltage) of -70 to -90 mV. A diseased cell has about -30 to -10 mV.

The cell membrane has important functions such as regulating the entry and exit of substances, maintaining the cell's immune system, protecting the cell and constantly communicating with the environment.

Thus, for the cell to function well and be in its healthy harmonious state, it is important that the cell membrane can function and work properly.

In disease, they become unbalanced in a cell when the voltage of the membrane potential and induction current decreases, limiting the flow in the cell membranes.

When ion channels cannot open normally, the transport of essential nutrients in and out of the cells is restricted, leading to various disease conditions.

Bioresonance provides resonance to the electrical voltage, which leads to harmonising the natural flow in the cells.

Frekvensterapi, bioresonans


With this method, an external energy (or vibration) affects the subtle energy field of a matter or organism, causing it to strengthen through resonance or weaken through interference.

The subtle energy/quantum field is made up of universal energy, also known as scalar energy, 0 point energy or Tesla energy.

Changes in the quantum field have a physical impact on matter because information, energy and matter always interact with each other and are directly connected. Therefore, changes in one of them automatically affect the other. This means that if something in the physical changes, the quantum field changes and vice versa.

The law of resonance is used to scan or influence the quantum field using advanced bioresonance equipment. Most of the devices used since the 1970s have been used for localised treatments, meaning that the receiver has to be physically present. Unlike today, the latest and newest equipment can transmit energy and information remotely, completely wirelessly. Moreover, in many cases they are even faster and more efficient than the previous local equipment. Another benefit is the time and money saved by not having to travel to a clinic.

Bioresonance is a natural and safe method with no known side effects. Treatment can be carried out remotely or in-person.

Want to know more about frequency therapy?

Contact us, and we'll tell you more

How can I benefit from frequency therapy? Which package suits me best? How does it work?

Book a free call with our frequency therapy expert Mikael or send an interest email to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

Frequency therapy with us


The instruments we use at Power Within - Oberon System Quantum and AWL1 Quantum Multifunction Generator - are developed and produced by the company Energy Life.

The programs are constantly updated and developed. The fact that they are now completely wireless and work remotely opens up opportunities for more people and animals to receive help all over the world.

There are many bioresonance devices on the market. We have carefully researched, tested and finally selected the equipment that we believe to be the most effective and efficient..

Oberon System Quantum

scans your entire system to find and remedy imbalances.

The future of medicine

Oberon bioresonance therapy is an innovative and cutting-edge wellness solution that harnesses the power of frequency diagnosis and therapy to revitalise your body and mind. 

Our bodies are like a symphony of vibrations, and when we are healthy, every cell vibrates harmoniously. Oberon uses state-of-the-art technology to analyse the frequencies emitted by your cells, providing valuable insights into the current physical and functional states of your organs and systems. By pinpointing any deviations from the norm, Oberon allows you to take preventative measures to restore balance and vitality. 

Scans your entire body for parasites, viruses, bacteria, moulds, heavy metals, worms and fungi and treats them. 

To strengthen organs and functions, a balancing and enhancing frequency treatment is given after the scan.

Examples of treatment areas

  • Analysis of all organs and systems
  • Chromosomes
  • Respiratory system with lungs and bronchi
  • Endocrine system (adrenal glands, thyroid, pancreas, etc.)
  • Heart and blood vessels
  • Lymphatic system
  • Liver and kidneys
  • Gastrointestinal tract, food digestion system
  • Muscle and musculoskeletal system (vertebrae, joints, etc.)
  • Brain and nervous system
  • Vision and hearing organs
  • Reproductive organs


You will receive a PDF document of about 10-30 pages with your results.

Oberon energy analyses and treatments are recommended to be purchased as a treatment package but can also be purchased separately. 

Price example:

Energy analysis + frequency therapy 2490kr

Frequency therapy Oberon 950kr 

Tip! Frequency therapy is approved as health care(Sweden)

AWL1 Quantum Generator

The evolution of bioresonance equipment

Natural energy medicine for everyone

The latest technology in holographic bioresonance, quantum healing and quantum physics. The programme works entirely from the quantum field and the akashic records. 

The AWL1 Quantum generator transmits frequencies of sound, colour, images and information to the body. The organs and psyche are harmonised through frequencies in feedback. The frequencies are transmitted to the organism completely wirelessly using quantum telemetry.

The AWL1 Quantum Generator transmits frequencies to you daily (24/7) from its database of hundreds of thousands of programmes and frequencies.

The programme consists of 82 different categories. Some are simpler and only transmit the frequency and information from fruits, vegetables or medicinal herbs. There are also more complex programmes, which perform corrections of the aura, chakras and meridians. Even the area where the person lives can be purified and harmonised against EMF radiation and disturbing energies (see picture). 

The information transmitted harmonises the organs, but also has a positive effect on the subconscious. The programmes thus help to dissolve various psychological, emotional and mental blocks. 

Tip! Frequency therapy is approved as health care(Sweden)

the path to harmony and balance

From a higher perspective, diseases signal internal and external imbalances, disharmony and deviation. Every disease wants to tell a person something important and point to the real causes of the imbalance. True healing cannot come from outside, but must come from within, through changes in consciousness, as well as through changes in thoughts and emotional patterns that have been the root cause. Each person can only regain harmony and balance and healing as a result if he or she once again learns to understand the messages and signals of his or her mind and body and restores a universal order within himself or herself. The AWL1 Quantum Generator can be a great helper in this process.

Some people really want to work on themselves, but don't have the power to do so. These programmes are designed for those people, among others. It is a great tool or support for anyone who wants to change something in their life for the better. 

Sensitive individuals may experience the effects of harmonisation intensively in different parts of the body, while those who are less sensitive may experience a sense of general well-being, increased happiness or inner peace.

The AWL1 Quantum Generator is a monthly or annual subscription.


Our offers

Oberon System Quantum


SEK 4 980
for 4 weeks


  • 4 weeks
  • 1 st scanning, energy analysis + treatment
  • 3 treatments
  • Total of 4 treatments


SEK 11 883
for 3 months
(Ordinary price: 13 980)


  • 12 weeks
  • 1 st scanning, energy analysis + treatment
  • 10 treatments
  • 1 follow up scanning, energy analysis + treatment
  • Total of 12 treatments
  • Weekly follow up by chat or voice call
  • 1 health counselling based on the energy analysis, 60 min.
  • 15% discount (ord. pris 13 980 kr)
Best price!


SEK 12 883
for 3 months
(Ordinary price: 16 980)


  • 12 weeks
  • 1 st scanning, energy analysis + treatment
  • 10 treatments
  • 1 follow up scanning, energy analysis + treatment
  • Total of 12 treatments
  • Weekly follow up by chat or voice call
  • 1 health counselling based on the energy analysis, 60 min.
  • Daily treatments with the AWL Quantum Generator (value 3000SEK)

Our offers

AWL1 Quantum Generator

1 Month

SEK 2 000
per month


  • 1 month for 2000 kr
  • Treatments every day

3 Months

SEK 1 000
per month


  • Perfect for those who want to try out
  • 3 months for 3 000 kr
  • Treatments every day
  • At the end of the period, there is an option to extend to a 12-month subscription (you pay 6 000 for the remaining 9 months).
Best price!

12 Months

SEK 700
per month


  • 12 months for 8400 kr
  • Treatments every day
  • Possibility of extension

Do you want to try frequency therapy?

Contact us, and we'll tell you more

How can I benefit from frequency therapy? Which package suits me best? How does it work?

Book a free call with our frequency therapy expert Mikael or send an interest email to and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

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Frequency Therapy

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